Sinking Deep Into My Heart

"Jesus said to his disciples, “Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.” But they did not understand this saying, and it was concealed from them, so that they might not perceive it. And they were afraid to ask him about this saying." Luke 9:44-45 (ESV).

I've been reading a chapter a day from the New Testament and this was in the chapter for today. Isn't it interesting? I wonder when exactly it sunk into Jesus' disciples ears? Was it when Jesus was taken away from the Garden of Gethsemane? Or was it when Jesus hung on the cross? I'm sure it probably sunk in at some point! But for whatever reason that Christ had, "it was concealed from them." 

It's been absolutely INCREDIBLE how much I have been growing and changing in my relationship to God over the years. I keep experiencing the "sinking in" of something that I may have heard OVER and OVER and OVER. But for whatever reason, that lesson did not sink in until God WANTED it to! 

It's kind of funny because occasionally my husband will come to me and tell me something that has "sunk in" for him and I respond by encouraging him but inside I'm thinking "He's just NOW getting this?" And I'm sure my husband has had that happen even more numerous times with me. But maybe that same thing that we think we understand hasn't SUNK in COMPLETELY yet! God hasn't truly revealed the splendor or grandeur of the lesson from God's Word. 

But isn't it amazing how God teaches us? How God molds us and shapes us to becoming the people we are right now? It really changes your perspective about being a parent doesn't it? No matter how many times I may try to teach my kids to obey, or to go potty in the potty and not in your pants, it won't really take hold until it SINKS in! 

Some of the definitions used in the Merriam Webster dictionary are "to soak or become absorbed,"  "to become impressively known or felt," and "to cause (something) to penetrate." 

Homeschooling is so fun because I get to witness my kids experience the "sinking in" thing all the time! I love how Aimee will work really hard on learning how to sound out one of her letters and then a little light bulb turns on and her eyes shine and BOOM! She knows the answer! Consider it SUNK! 

But how much more beautiful to experience a gem from God's Word sinking into the hearts of my children or into my own heart. That point of understanding is so much more important than learning any of the ABC's. But sometimes it can be so very basic and necessary to our walk with God. 

Lord ~ If there is anything that needs to sink in for me today, please lead me and guide my heart and make it tender to your lessons and leading. Help me to be sensitive to those times when God may be using me to help something sink into my children's hearts. Thank you for never failing me and continually teaching me day by day. Amen. 
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     Raising Homemakers


  1. Isn't it amazing how you can read a verse that you've read many times before, but on a particular day or when facing a certain situation, it just comes alive for you?! Thank God for His Holy Spirit that continually works in us to produce His image.

  2. I would have to agree with you about homeschooling. One of the biggest enjoyments for me as mommy is watching "things click", and the joy my Munchkins have when discovering something new. Great post!
    Our Simple Country Life

  3. Ahh yes! Amen! I love the moment when something does sink in! Its like a big "ahhhh I get it" moment. I have had so many of these lately and I am loving the truth being revealed to me! Its def fun to see others esp your children go thru the moment!! thanks for sharing!


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