
This post isn't as belated as my other posts but still is about 2 weeks ago when we left on our trip! We vacated to Branson, Mo for a little over 2 days and we went here

and here

and I rode the Wildfire with my roller-coaster loving husband


then we went down to Dallas, TX area and visited Sam's aunt and uncle and we went here

and this is where we left the kids with family and Sam requested that I ride EVERYTHING with him. Now I'm not super paranoid about coasters but I would not name it as one of my favorite things to do in life. Sam would. So being the LOVING and ADORING and DEVOTED wife that I am. . .

03289 Six Flags Titan

I obviously survived. My husband still owes me a bathroom cleaning! 

We also went to the Dallas Aquarium which was pretty amazing 


and overall had a great time with family! 

Needless to say, I am happy to be home and back to enjoying life in a small sense of normalcy! But it was a great time!