Cakes Cakes and More Cakes!

I enjoy making cakes for my family and friends. But I do not want to do anything professional because I don't enjoy doing it for strangers. Half of the fun is seeing the faces of everyone when it is revealed! Here are a few cakes I've made that I'm sure anyone can do if they have the idea! 

I did these for my friend's bridal shower - her wedding colors were purple and blue and with butterflies! I just used 3 different sized round pans and cut them in half and angled the halves to become wings!

Birthday cake for my mom and grandma!

Birthday cake for a friend!

Here is a WarHammer themed cake for my brother. I colored the icing a tan color then sprinkled the landscaping with brown sugar. The "river bed" is chopped up butterscotch chips and chocolate chips. The water is thin blue icing. The road is also made out of chocolate chips. The bridge is made out of Tootsie Rolls.

For my dad's 4th of July birthday! 

Here is a cake I made for LAFF (Ladies at Faith Fellowship) because Mrs. Gutwein came and gave her famous "Silver Boxes" devotional. Unfortunately my black coloring that I purchased must have been switched with a PURPLE coloring and I didn't have time to go and purchase more black and make more frosting so here is a PURPLE box! ;-) But I simply poured one cake mix into a loaf pan and it automatically created the shape of the box for me! Very easy! 

This is a cake I made for my daughter's birthday. It is one round cake 12in. that is cut in half and turned round sides together then angled and cut to make it look like a butterfly. I used jellybeans and marshmallows and other candy for the top. And the daisies are real! :-) 

This is a cheesecake that I made for my dad's birthday on the fourth of July. I used strawberries from my garden and blueberries. Yummy! 

This is a cake I made for my postman father-in-law. This was really hard to just use one cake mix to get proportions right! 

Cody's First Birthday cake and for this one I used cupcakes and shaped the caterpillar.

One of my favorite cakes, I used various size pans, bowls and whatever to make the "mountain" then used fondant (which I will never use again because it tastes nasty!) I had to paint food coloring on the road to get it so bright and the inside of the cake was rainbow colored cake too! 

I made this cake for my mother-in-law. She loves to wear bright colors and jewelry, so I made it like she is - fun, bright and cheery

This is my most recent for my hubbie's b-day. I cheated more than normal and used a Wilton shape pan but I made my own frosting. The fret board or everything dark brown is dark chocolate that I poured into the Wilton pan for the shapes that I needed.

This is a cake I made for my dad who is a firefighter - this is after the sparklers were put out!

Here is a cake that I made for Scott for his birthday - much cooler in person!

My sister's baby shower cake - the toys I had really added to it.

Those are the cakes I had saved on my computer. I also made a cake shaped like a teapot which I never got a pic for! :-( I can't remember all I've done but maybe you can take some of these ideas and use them for your own family birthday parties.

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