Regardless of what you are doing tonite for Valentine's Day, most likely you will be sharing a meal with your man and if you are, whether it's in your own home or at a restaurant, I have another idea for you that will only take about two minutes to prep. Go to this link at zachterry.wordpress.com and copy and paste these 50 amazing questions to ask your spouse. My hubbie and I did this about a month ago for date night and it was one of our most amazing and intimate dates simply because we reconnected with each other and learned more about each other.
The questions start out fairly simply with basics like "What are your 5 favorite sources of reading, with the most favorite first?" but as you go through them, they get deeper and more intense like "What can I do that provides the greatest comfort and encouragement for you when you are hurt, fearful, anxious or worried?" Trust me, they are perfect! The way I did it was to print them out and show them to my husband and we passed them back and forth and asked a question of the other person. Sometimes we asked the same questions, sometimes not. We didn't ask every question and honestly, there were some that were a little too deep and we didn't want to go into them or we already knew the answers of one person and not the other.
Here are some other ideas that some of YOU are doing today for your men! And how creative you are too!
Bonne Nagle Homemade pizza. Red box movie (free rental!) and a picnic on the living floor with our heart shaped picnic basket (corny, I know.) We even get dressed up for it and use the fancy glasses with heart shaped plates to match...
Heather Skelton My honey works 2nd shift so I am going to pack him a special dinner. I am going to tie bows on his snacks & include little hearts with lines from "our" song (from our wedding!) We enjoy movies & popcorn when he gets home, so I an going to make special valentine popcorn (with red & pink m&ms) & light candles. I am making him that heart game you mentioned too!
Mary from The Encouraging Home is having fun preparing special food with her family today that she explains in this special post!
Hidden Treasures We're going to do our annual Valentine Tradition!! Stay home, throw the kids in bed, eat pizza by candle light, watch a romantic movie!! This year I've bought some avocado oil to give him a massage with!! It's a great one for massages!! ;) Might throw in some peppermint oil too!
What great ideas ladies!! You may be wondering what I'm doing for my hubbie for Valentine's Day. Well - nothing. He is in another state at a conference and I was hoping he would have internet so I could send him a sweet and sappy love letter but alas he does not. So I'll have to settle with a nice long phone conversation with him tonite. We're going to celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday night when he gets back with a special meal and goodies for the kids! Can't wait to see my man! I miss him SOOOO much but you know what they say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and we will be truly fond of each other on Friday!
Regardless as to what you are doing today to celebrate your love, may it be a blessed time for you and your man and I hope that Wooing your man is not something that only happens on Valentine's Day but make it a priority throughout the rest of your lives!!