Woo Your Man: Post-It Love

This idea is super easy but has a big impact on your man. Trust me, who WOULDN'T love this? 

Take a stack of Post-It notes and a pen and start walking around your house. 

On a Family Picture  - Life with you is GOOD!
On a globe - My world would stop without you!
Or on a map - I'll follow you anywhere! 
You Protect Me in So Many Ways!
Yes, I just posted a picture of my toilet on my blog.
"I'm so thankful you ALWAYS put this down!"
Now - if your hubbie did that wouldn't you want to share? 
Yes, it's on the ceiling "I'll always look up to you!" 
"You Turn Me On!"

Because I love my hubbie, (and not just because I wanted to take pictures for this post!) I decided to do this again for him so I stuck these everywhere and tonite when he comes home from work, he will go about his normal routine and find little love notes everywhere! Here are a few more little notes you could do! 

Hot Sauce - You are already too hot to handle! 
Ceiling Fan - You make my world go round! 
Exercise Equipment or Weights - I love your muscles/strength!
Stereo or Ipod - We make beautiful music together
On your Bed - WOW! 
Broom - You sweep me off my feet! 

Really think about your hubbie and all of the things that he enjoys or does when he gets home and put a note on it complimenting him in some way! They don't HAVE to be about the thing either! Just tell him something you love about him. Just please don't make this a time to leave hints about how you wish he would change. He'll know what you're doing and he will feel disrespected. For example, if he doesn't pray with you very often, leaving a note on the Bible saying that you love it when he prays with you is not a good, loving thing to do. 

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