Happy Birthday Cody!

My son, Cody is TWO!!! I am so amazed that it has been TWO years since . . .

Yes, that says nine pounds and almost 3 oz. 


The doctor was sure that I would have a very quick delivery since Aimee only took 2 hours start to finish so I was induced so I could get the antibiotics I needed. I definitely got enough antibiotics because I was induced at 7am and he took his little moseying time before he made an appearance at 5:07pm. 

Cody's Apgar score was 9 at birth so he was definitely a bouncing and healthy baby boy!
 Big sister Aimee thought Cody was AMAZING!!! 

He looked just like his sister but with a certain boyishness

Here he is at 3 months old! He grew so fast! 

His smiles would light up a room! And they still do! 

He definitely had his chunky days!

but after he started walking and climbing those were soon over!

Being Cody's mamma has been an absolute precious joy and I cannot nor do I want to ever imagine my life without my baby boy! 

Here's my little two year old - sniff sniff!