A Humble Barn Birth

Christmas is a time when I personally re~focus. I re~prioritize and seek to gain a better grasp on the meaning of this short journey of life that I am on. 

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It all leads me back to the Precious One who was born in a barn. It is the most humbling fact in the world. God was born in a barn, placed to sleep in a manger. It puts it all into a fresh perspective for me for the next three hundred and something days! He refreshes my outlook for my purpose in this world. To serve. I am a servant, because I was made in His image. 

My goal for my family and myself is to shrink the time between Christmas seasons so that I can glorify God with a giving, selfless, thoughtful spirit every single day that I am alive. There is nothing more important to me than that my children will grow to be women of purpose, seeking to store their treasures in heaven, not in this world. 
She opens her arms to the poor and extends her arms to the poor. ~ Proverbs 31:20 

The Proverbs 31 woman is a wonderful example of how we as Christian women should conduct ourselves. She is a hard worker! And yes, she has clothes made of fine linen and wonderful warm coverings for her family's bed in the winter, but she also has enough to give to the needy. If I am living my comfortable middle class life, but am not giving, then something is wrong. I must bring my lifestyle down a notch. The Bible is very clear on this. We are to be givers. Not just at Christmas, but every single day of our lives. 

So, I teach my children that giving is really more rewarding than receiving, and while we give gifts to family members and friends we focus on people who have no means to give gifts, not even to their own children. To celebrate the King's birth we will not be excessive in any of our purchases. Remembering our beautiful brothers and sister in third world countries, we will practice self~control and pray a whole lot! 

On Christmas Day we will bake a Birthday Cake for our Precious Jesus... Oriental Trading has these awesome bracelets that we'll be purchasing after this holiday season, and will wear them all Christmas seasons to come as a reminder for us and for everyone else that sees them on our wrists.

I pray everyone has a meaningful holiday celebrating the birth of Hope, Peace, Joy, the birth of True Love, the birth of Precious Jesus! 

About Tanya: I love and adore Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I delight in my role as mother and wife; my precious family means the world to me. I appreciate people who are eager for God and enjoy exploring and growing. I have a heart for children and the poor. I seek to live for God.

Tanya blogs at The Humble Homemaker

Reminder to everyone! Christmas Eve begins a week-long link-up here at Stringer Mama for your own CHRISTmas festivities! Share what your family did for CHRISTmas! So make sure you take pictures and get ready to share! 
I am linked up with: 


  1. Beautiful words here, thank you for sharing! I love the bracelet idea! super cute!

    Sarah beth

  2. Thank you for sharing Tanya's words! I must go to her blog and read more! I always come away pondering something new. Also, I pray that you, Ann, are growing in the Lord and that your whole household are stronger and stronger in Jesus every day as you reflect on His coming.

  3. Jacqueline - thank you and I'm glad you are going to her blog - I love to read her posts :0) My hubbie just mentioned last night that he really liked how this Christmas seems to be pointing in the right direction. Little things like my hubbie noticing are what it is all about :0)


Your comments are such a blessing and encouragement to me! If you have a question or comment that you would like to ask, feel free to comment below or email me at Ann@StringerMama.com! I look forward to hearing from you!