Homemade Foaming Soap

My kids are die hard hand washers. That means they like to use HALF of the bottle of soap! So I started buying  foaming soap. Apparently this last longer but is more FUN to wash their hands with so they still went through a bottle of soap in no time at all. After seeing that my friend Esther makes her own, I decided that this had to be my solution and guess what it's easier than PIE!! Ok, much easier than pie!

I just took the foaming bottle I already had (If you like this one I bought it at Alice.com for $3.98) and filled it 1/3 of the way up with this huge bottle of hand soap I've had for eons and then gently added water to fill it up. Then I took an SOS pad (I love these things!) to take off all of the words and stuff off of the bottle to make it pretty! Done! I can just hear the pennies I'm saving jingling! Ha ha!