Few of My Faves: Places To Be

This is probably a little bit of a twist compared to other fave lists that I've done but these are DEFINITE faves of mine! I wanted to let you get to know me and my favorite places to be and go to.

1. Home - It's always best! And that doesn't mean my house, I mean wherever my family and I are set up. Home has been "shelled" in many different ways. We've lived in an apartment, a store-front apartment, a bungalow, a travel trailer, and the house we're in right now. It doesn't matter what it is, home is always our favorite place to be. When we leave on a big trip, it's always a sigh of relief and contentment to come HOME!

2. Church - we've been in several churches. Our home church has changed many times and we also have been visiting churches when my hubbie goes to preach. But I've enjoyed each one in different ways. When we're home, it's such a joy to go to our home churches and be encouraged and "loved on" by our church family. When we visit another church it's such a joy to see other believers and be a part of their fellowship. CHURCH is always a place where I know other brothers and sisters in Christ are serving the same God that I serve.

3. My parents home - although my parents home is not the home that I grew up in, where my parents live will always hold a special place simply because they symbolize another home that I loved. I'm always welcomed there and loved there. I know what to expect and I am completely myself around them.

4.  On an outing with my family - We did this yesterday by going to Wal-Mart. We had a blast together! We came back home and both Sam and I said, that was a fun trip! Some trips are more fun than others but it never really matters WHERE we go, just that we are together and enjoy being together! That's always what makes it fun!

5. In my husband's arms - honestly, is there a better place to be? I feel complete and safe and loved there probably more than any other place I could physically be!

6. My favorite restaurant - Avanti's! There is nothing like eating a gondola at Avanti's! Or getting it to-go for that matter! I even crave them when pregnant! So if you're ever in the Peoria area, check them out! Mmm! Now I'm hungry!

7. Snuggled up with a good book and with the kids fast asleep in their beds - in other words, no DISTRACTIONS! This is hard to come by for me because that means the house has to be picked up, the kids settled, I'm not exhausted, and my hubbie is occupied elsewhere. So I cherish wherever that place may be or WHEN it may be!!

8. And this would not be a list of my faves without being honest and saying that I love thrift stores! I of course have my favorites but I'll always try one out once! I love buying something awesome that I will use forever for a fraction of the price I would have spent new. I get a thrill from it - really!

9. I don't know if you call this a fave place, but I love my blog. It's a place where I am entirely me. It's clean and organized the way I like it to be. It's my place where I can accomplish things and finish things! I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else but it does to me!

So there they are, a Few of My Faves! Now it's your turn! I'm sorry this is a little late. My kids got up before me this morning and decided to open 2 bottles of cake sprinkles and dump them all over the carpet. So after picking them up one-by-one - for the purpose of my kids learning a lesson - I could have used my vaccuum, it was a long morning! But there's still time to link up a list of your faves! I know I can't wait!
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  1. Love your list of fav's today! I can def relate to alot of them, thrift stores..i just love goodwill, its an all year garage sale for me! haha I also can enjoy what you said about your home. We have moved from one side of the country to the other and really home is where you make it, it doesnt matter where or what it is. I adore that you listed your hubbys arms, so sweet!

    How long will the linky be open? I would love to list some of my fav's!!!

  2. You & me both! {My favorite place is my husbands arms as well!} I should just post a list I've had on facebook for a LONG time. It has so many favorites. Today I've only listed 6 of my favorites this week. :0) {I might just do that from now on...we'll see!}

    I think you should allow a little more characters though on the linky! lol. Yikes...do you know how hard it is to use less then 25 characters! lol. ;0)

  3. Sarah Beth - Each Friday I do a linky for faves and you can link up anytime for the whole week - so go for it!

    Esther - I'll try to be a little more accommodating next time! lol


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